Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Field trip Reflection

Today we went on a field trip to St Petka's Chapel. Our assignment was to sketch a mosaic that we found and then analyze it. The mosaic that I chose was one of Saint Sava and his father Saint Simeon. Both of them are floating above the ground since their feet are positioned that way. Both of them are wearing layered clothing, but St Simeon has bright colors like red, yellow and a bit of blue, while St Sava is wearing white, grey with a bit of blue detail. St Sava is holding his hand up while bending his ring finger, which is a sign that he is teaching. In his other hand he is holing the Bible. St Simeon is holing a Slavic cross in his right hand and a scroll in his left hand. The scroll is written in Cyrillic and it says: "My beloved children." Both of them are saints since they both have the halo around their heads. Between them was a double headed eagle in a circle. The eagle represented the power of the Byzantine emperor, both in religion and in controlling the empire.

The mosaic follows all of the rules from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, since it has all of the components that it needs to have. It has floating feet, colors and many symbols which are necessary according to the Metropolitan Museum of art.

In my opinion, this mosaic is a good example of Byzantine Art, because it fits all the criteria and has the necessary components that we analyzed in class.

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