Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Byzantine Empire

Out of the Greek, Roman, and Byzantine empire, the most advanced one was the Byzantine Empire. It was the empire that took all of the ideas from every civilization, especially the Roman and Greek, and combined it into one. They used the things which worked for all of the civilizations in the past, and they knew which things to avoid. The location of the capital city, Constantinople was great. It was safe from any attacks since it was located on a peninsula defended by a great wall. It was also located on the trading root that connects Europe to Asia, so the trade that took place gave the empire great wealth. The merchants traded things like spices, gems, metals, cloths, farm goods, furs, honey and slaves. The empire was also very educated, and there was a great respect for art and literature. The writers of the time wrote mainly about religion which was very important. However, they also copied down writings of ancient Greeks and Romans. They were smart enough to know that if they hadn't copied them down, they would be lost forever. Without them, we would not have many important works that tell us a lot about the past, and the way people lived back then. The Byzantine Empire also had developed laws, especially for women. Thanks to empress Theodora, women finally got some rights, like the right to own their own land. Overall, the Byzantine Empire was the most developed one since it combine all of the positive things of all the empires before it and incorporated it all into one empire.

1 comment:

  1. Great Job! I really liked how you gave good details to support your facts and opinion. I liked how you mentioned that the Byzantines combined all the ideas from the Greek and Roman Empire. You gave good details and I liked how you brought up all the reasons that lead to the Byzantine Empire being the most advanced.
