Sunday, November 14, 2010

Roman Emperors

Even though the people of Rome did not want a dictator or king, Augustus and the emperors that followed him were just that. Augustus learned many things from Caesar's mistakes, and knew that the people wanted a republic. To satisfy the people he made decisions along with the senate, so it respected him. Even though he cooperated with the senate, he and the emperors that followed him were actually the ones with all the power. They controlled most of the military troops, and chose the people that governed the provinces of Rome. Even though they were kings, they never called themselves that so that the people would not become angry, and rebel. Augustus started a practice that all of the other emperors then did after him. Augustus wanted his stepson Tiberius to become the next emperor, so he shared power with him to make sure it would happen. This was then done by all of the emperors that followed. When Caesar was killed, part of the reason was so that his descendants would not become rulers, and that the senate would have no role in choosing the next emperor. However, now all of the emperors were doing exactly that and the senate had no role there, but they were not unsatisfied since the emperors still cooperated with them, unlike Caesar who made decisions on his own.

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